Be nude, cloth removed, be true, nothing to lose! Anonymous submissions of your naked pictures welcome.


It was there, then it turned black and white, and had a face

"I was never very comfortable with myself, so these pics were a huge thing to me, and still somewhat are as a submission to this blog. I took them to exchange with a girl online who liked my personality first and helped me be comfortable enough to show myself. I was surprised to find that when I looked at my penis from a detached perspective, I actually liked it and was a little bit proud. Feeling exposed and vulnerable to criticism is like pins and needles from sleeping on your ego funny. I show them, and I want people to like them, to find them attractive.. And the pins and needles fade as I force myself through the hesitation and fear of rejection. "


My Naked Self said...

I like your penis! It looks friendly :)

J♥ said...

yea. me too. it's cute!
but i would love to see it without the edits ;)

J♥ said...

opps. i realise there are pictures. just that they haven't load when I typed that comment. >.<
lovely! <3

Anonymous said...

Very impressive and wonderful penis.

Anonymous said...

thank you all very much =)

Anonymous said...

your cock is pretty, daddy.