"I am model UL. First I want to thank you for making a space for models and photographers to share nude pictures. I work with a beautiful male model, Eli, and we post some of our work on member-only sites. Unfortunately, these sites restrict what we can show. Eli worries about showing his genitals, and I also have concerns about showing my own. Some members have been kicked off these sites for showing penises and crotch shots.
Eli and I would like to share some images from our first shoot together. We will shoot again in less than two weeks and hope to have more to show you soon. I am also sharing a photo taken of me a year ago that I have not been able to show at my usual sites.
We would greatly appreciate comments on our work. Feedback is so important to models, and this is the only community where we can show these works and find out what you think about them.
Eli and I would like to share some images from our first shoot together. We will shoot again in less than two weeks and hope to have more to show you soon. I am also sharing a photo taken of me a year ago that I have not been able to show at my usual sites.
We would greatly appreciate comments on our work. Feedback is so important to models, and this is the only community where we can show these works and find out what you think about them.
I agree with the great Michaelangelo that our skin is finer and more precious than any clothes ever made. "
These photos look amazing on black background. The lighting's great and the contrast of the models' skin tone is also wonderful :)
I also agree that our skin is finer, and way more precious than any clothes ever made. Can't agree more!
Very nice pictures, great use of light and space!
Having traveled all over the world, one thing still amazes me, that works of art that have been enjoyed by literally hundreds of thousands of people over centuries in public, are restricted from the general American public view.
Yet depictions of war, people killing other people and other acts of extreme violence are socially acceptable.
The photographs were taken by an American university professor who teaches lighting. Thank you for noting his amazing work. Eli is a champion bodybuilder, and his physique is incredible. He was beautifully captured by this artist, and Eli himself is a work of art.
I agree with you, Eric. What is obscene to me is violence and blood and gore, and children can see it constantly on television and at movie theatres. The idea that it's OK to destroy is prevalent. The idea that we should love is taboo. It's insane, and the problems reflect this mindset.
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