Be nude, cloth removed, be true, nothing to lose! Anonymous submissions of your naked pictures welcome.


Eric Shunn


My Naked Self said...

Looking at these photos makes me want to workout more!

Anonymous said...

I agree with My Naked Self. You are in amazing shape. I can see you are proud of your beautiful body and take great care of yourself. The body is the temple of the spirit. I hope to see more images of you.

Eric Shunn said...

To be honest, not that proud. I used to do a life drawing class, when a scheduled model failed to arrive at the last moment, it was suggested that I take her place.

I really had no way out of it. Getting naked in front of 25 people, mostly strangers was incredibly was holding a pose for 15 minutes at a time.

I don't have an ego but I'm not shy either. None of us is flawless. We all have things we wish we could change.

Anonymous said...

I used to model for art classes, too, and I've been asked recently to do it again. But it's the hardest work ever, and I am not patient enough any more to sit still that long. I like modeling for photographers because they want you to move and flow, and that's what I like to do.

Nothing I see in your photos requires change, believe me.